Discover Aspect Ajar

Established in 2023, Aspect Ajar specializes in demi-fine jewelry and accessories that embody a unique blend of drama, eccentricity, and elegance. Each piece is thoughtfully designed and handmade in New York City, with a focus on beautiful materials, local craftsmanship, and timelessness in both quality and style. Explore our world and infuse your everyday with a dose of twisted glamour.

Our Name

The concept of “aspect” is often used in philosophy to describe a particular perspective, while “ajar” hints that this understanding is not yet fully formed: that there is more to be discovered.

ASPECT AJAR is a tribute to Émile Ajar, the pseudonym of French author and master of multiplicity–Romain Gary.

Gary, originally, known as Roman Kacew, was a poor Lithuanian who transformed himself into a French war hero and literary icon through his service in the army and by writing very good novels, one of which won the prestigious Goncourt Prize, France’s highest literary award. As a fabulist in every aspect, once he was famous under one persona, he invented another–Émile Ajar–and wrote well enough in this very different voice to win a second Goncourt Prize, the only writer to do so. (The rules state that it can only be awarded to someone once).

He sustained this charade for several years until the release of his confessional, The Life and Death of Émile Ajar, which he instructed to be published posthumously as his grand reveal. In the novel, he claims responsibility for one of the world’s greatest literary hoaxes and attempts to explain the reasoning behind his contortions.

Gary’s legacy is paradoxical in that he is remembered as both a conman and a committed moralist who devoted himself to exploring the intricately complex ideal of humanity. This contradiction was a recurring theme throughout his life, which many say was as captivating as any story he crafted.

So whether it be about the identity of an artist or of one’s own, consider Aspect Ajar a reminder of the mysterious and ambiguous nature of identity and human nature, and the importance of keeping an open mind.

"Je me suis toujours été un autre" -Romain Gary, Vie et mort d'Émile Ajar